Sunday, December 14, 2014

Thanksgeeking Part 2

Part 2 of the things I'm grateful for this Thanksgeeking begins now!

Fandoms are great and tons of fun but there's something even better. Something that brings together all the fandoms and nerds from across the world: Comic Cons! I am SO incredibly grateful for Comic Cons and especially that I am finally able to attend one. 

I LOVE being able to be around my own kind and geekout without getting weird looks. Riding public transportation is also made more exciting by the costume-clad attendees. Meeting my celebrity crushes and idols are, or course, another huge advantage of cons. Attending San Diego Comic Con is amongst the top 3 on my Bucket List.

Cosplay is possibly the greatest thing since Halloween. I don't know how people survived before cosplay.

I'm sorry about this. I realized too late that I forgot to save my Part 2 post so instead of a nicely thought out post about my fav fandoms, geek gadgets, and such, I'm just gonna throw it all at the page and see what sticks. In other words, I'll very briefly mention a few of my fandoms and move on. I will be talking about each of them more in the future so don't worry. 

These are in no particular order:

Harry Potter

The Boy Who Lived


Sister witches that kicked butt while looking good.

One of them even married a literal angel. Lucky.

Star Wars

If you haven't heard of Star Wars then you're from another planet. If you don't like Star Wars, you are also from another planet.

Star Trek

I'm not gonna start the "which is better" battle today.

I grew up watching these dudes on VHS. For you youngens that's a type of recording device that stores videos, an ancient ancestor of the DVD.

The Vampire Diaries

Can you say "yum"?!

The Originals

More please!


 My favorite new show.

Thank you Syfy channel!

Ouch! Even I felt that!

Nice butt, Gabriel.

Creepy baby sculpture!

Some of my favorite Superheros:

Iron Man

No one could play him better than Robert Downey Jr.

I don't know where Robert ends and Tony Stark begins.


The one, the only, Christopher Reeves.

The modern Superman is cool but no one can bet the original.

 The Avengers

Joss Whedon, you brilliant man.

Thus concludes my short, fast, and to the point edition of What I'm Thankful for this Thanksgeeking.

Check out Part 1 here.


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